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时间:2023-02-15 17:22:25  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


Gabriel Garcia marquez's one hundred years of solitude makes him become the pride of Latin America. He won a world-class reputation. "Cholera in the period of love," so that he got the Nobel Prize for literature in 1982.

In his calm about some creepy or humor, absurd story behind him also there was a man, a as his pen to write that in the world of magic realism, firmly established realistic earth Ursula, she will never like her crazy husband Mr LeiLiangNuo, boone and think so: "we will soon have enough gold to pave home land is more." - for Ursula is land, not paved with gold. It is this simple idea supporting the magic realism of the sky of the world. Gabriel Garcia marquez's wife also is such a woman, so to speak, is she, for marquez pen into the ink of magical realism. As the author said: there is no Mercedes, I'll never do not write this book.

Mercedes is gabriel Garcia marquez's wife.

It could be a sunny morning, gabriel Garcia marquez ready to go on a trip with the family, is in the way of travel, he suddenly suddenly enlighted, he should like his grandmother tell stories to write a book, write a history of one hundred years of solitude in Latin America, he followed the idea is the beginning of the "one hundred years of solitude" famous: after many years, in the face of death squads, Mr LeiLiangNuo, he think of boone, his father took him to see ice that distant afternoon. Then they give up the trip, the family car on gabriel Garcia marquez desk.

Marquez to write "one hundred years of solitude", put a few months ago to buy a car mortgage out and give the money to whoever the wife Mercedes, thinking also enough for more than six months, he thinks he's six months to finish writing this book. As a result, gabriel Garcia marquez in a year and a half to finish writing this book. Money is used up, Mercedes did not say anything. Gabriel Garcia marquez don't know how to let the butcher's wife is the boss to give her meat on credit, the baker on credit to bread, the landlord promised her late JiaoJiu months rent - Mercedes cheating on her husband to take down all the things, every once in a while to the husband sent 500 pieces of paper. - what's missing, also cannot little the 500 pieces of paper.

Mercedes, of course, no hand writing "one hundred years of solitude, but she and her husband together through the process of writing, gabriel Garcia marquez finish make Mr LeiLiangNuo, colonel boone in the dead of the chapter, whole body shaking on the third floor, Mercedes is there. She see the facial expression of the writer knew what had happened.

"The colonel is dead," she said.

Gabriel Garcia marquez a head fell on the bed, crying for two hours.

Is she personally to the post office to send this article she hasn't seen the "one hundred years of solitude" manuscript to mail - she refused to see the manuscript, I wonder how much she is timid. She talked to think: if in the end of the novel is considered very bad? At that time, her mind whether the warehouse full of bread meat and writing paper?

As we evaluate "one hundred years of solitude" in the Latin American women: the women not only ensures the family incense constantly, also ensures consistency in the novel. In the face of the one hundred years of solitude, Mercedes should also get lonely blood -- this sentence "one hundred years of solitude" journal entry

It is no wonder that gabriel Garcia marquez spent so long time to write this book, it did and I have seen a lot of novels before. Plot the highly intensive caused express space compression, because space is there.

The whole book most of the hundreds of thousands of words is on the fast pace of the plot development, and the expression of the author are not deliberately in between the lines, but by the emotional tone of the whole plot remains the same to achieve. In the novel's plot in a day, and the entire book emotions is like a giant wooden nail generally did not move into the earth. The authors to use this technique to highlights the same emotions, that is the feeling of deep loneliness, it is so I feel boone tia family hundred years generations core almost nothing changed in character. The family is like a stone in the river, withstand the past, but can't walk with the future.

The deepest impression is a second generation, jose al the death of Mr. He is I don't know where it came from a bullet, blood flowing on the earth, through the entire macondo, avoiding the everyone's eyes, bypass of the easy dirty carpet, the flow until is busy in the kitchen before Ursula - Ursula true spiritual prop of the family for generations.

Jose al Katie barack was the first dead boone tia, flowing is the blood of loneliness. The smell of smoke of gunpowder soup, lingering over his house, and linger in his grave, by the banana company mudding live with water until many years later.

At that moment I felt throughout one hundred years of solitude that penetrative desolate.












Just started reading "one hundred years of solitude", we will find two strange place, one is to tell the story in the book are ridiculous; The second stage is the repeated work in the name and repeat the same thing. In real life could not have lasted more than four years of rain, an elderly father could not only drink a mouthful of cocoa can float in the air, the dead will not because to bear loneliness is to return to the earth... But it all happened in the family. More surprisingly, in the book the way across the hundred years in the family, man isn't called al jarno in dior is called ole, and all kinds of strange things in the family, the family's first generation of the founder al dior until the last guardians of the ray in jarno repeated happening. Linked to the creation of the author s and living environment, it is easy to see what this symbol.

The author in the one hundred years of solitude with fantastic language describes the entrepreneurial hardships, the emergence of civilization, reproduction and survival, love and betrayal, glory and dream, the production of capitalism, the outbreak of the civil war, the entry of monopoly capitalism, such as the fight for democracy and republic, could influence the Latin America is to let them more concentrated in a small named Malcolm in the country. Every member of the Brian dia home are deeply involved in. At the end of the story. In the last of the guardian aurelio jarno read records the fate of the family in one hundred after the parchment said: "it all, I have seen, is already know!" The author is through the summary of the character, expressed his view of history of one hundred years in Latin America, the modern Latin America more than hundred years of history is repeated, the development of Latin America and history are stagnant.

"One hundred years of solitude" is an interesting work, she didn't have the mammoth plot, the development of the story is more puzzling. When you read him, plumcakes with ChangSi, but you can feel the author repeat of history. In Latin America alone in one hundred. And couldn't help but indulge among them.


"One hundred years of solitude" is known as "Latin American history of literature in the vision of the society". It is the representative work of gabriel Garcia marquez, is the representative work of Latin American magic realism literature. After reading, the book morbid alone, for a variety of abnormal personality, floating in my around, for a long time not to go.

The characters in the book, Mr ASHLEY boone, emperor, this is a diligent, pragmatic, creative people. But because he's fascination with science and knowledge, wrongly, alchemy, god copperplate picture... He was completely insane, so he is a lonely.

His wife Ursula is a woman of flashing mother all good quality. In my opinion, she is the family foundation. The whole book is her busy figure, this woman's body with another kind of loneliness.

I think the book is the most sad figures boone was the second son of Mr LeiLiangNuo. He launched numerous armed uprising, but all failed. Fortunately, life is very big, escaped the ambush, assassination, and shot, stubbornly survived. But alive may be biggest torture to him. He became fascinated by doing small goldfish, kept on doing repeatedly, as for alchemy obsession.

The characters in the book is filled with loneliness. Perhaps this is the author wants to express to us, the family of autism has brought the whole family. Similarly, the feelings without communication, a lack of trust and understanding of family also symbolizes the society at that time. Perhaps the author is to express myself in the book of Latin American national unity together, to get rid of loneliness.


One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) is the story of seven generations of the Buendía Family in the town of Macondo. The founding patriarch of Macondo, José Arcadio Buendía, and úrsula, his wife (and first cousin), leave Riohacha, Colombia, to find a better life and a new home. One night of their emigration journey, whilst camping on a riverbank, José Arcadio Buendía dreams of “Macondo”, a city of mirrors that reflected the world in and about it. Upon awakening, he decides to found Macondo at the river side; after days of wandering the jungle, José Arcadio Buendía’s founding of Macondo is utopic.(www.lz13.cn)

Founding patriarch José Arcadio Buendía believes Macondo to be surrounded by water, and from that island, he invents the world according to his perceptions.Soon after its foundation, Macondo becomes a town frequented by unusual and extraordinary events that involve the generations of the Buendía family, who are unable or unwilling to escape their periodic (mostly) self-inflicted misfortunes. Ultimately, a hurricane destroys Macondo, the city of mirrors; just the cyclical turmoil inherent to Macondo. At story’s end, a Buendía man deciphers an encrypted cipher that generations of Buendía family men had failed to decipher. The secret message informed the recipient of every fortune and misfortune lived by the Buendía Family generations.


I also deeply realized that a reality. A person, when there is love and ideals, there will be a lonely. The more we love, more lonely.

Then, this day, for me, although it is the only one year, but it will not perfect. "One hundred years of solitude" boone diaz family each person, they all of life is decided by childhood, a scene in a moment, it has affected their rich and long life. Walked to the end, I could have, but also is the scene of the moment, just at that moment, have without any emotion, as if, the moment has been at his side, and he was the one who has been lost.

I hope I can don't like them, in the process of life, committed to the initial imperfection, has been lost.

Open the heart, embrace the world of good, be a doomed not to complete, but happy people.

This is the birthday of speech. Not happy birthday to myself, but I wish yourself open-minded contentment.




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