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时间:2023-02-17 17:26:04  来源:养殖之家网   作者:














  Ideals, like stars, point out the way forward in darkness and chaos; Ideal is like honey, which brings sweetness when you are sad and frustrated; Ideal is like a sailboat, which takes you to the other shore of your dream when you are exhausted. Man can walk upright because of his ideal; Because of its ideal, the pupa can break its cocoon and become a butterfly; Because of ideal, water can wear through stone. Since ancient times, people who have achieved great things have ideals, because ideals support them to move forward step by step towards the peak of life. Because of their perseverance in ideals, they are successful and brilliant after all!

  Does Mary Curie have an ideal? The answer is yes. It is precisely because of the ideal of benefiting mankind that she takes great pains to refine a pile of metals. In winter, the wind was cold and the clothes were bare, but she still insisted. Day after day, year after year, Madame Curie never gave up. Kung Fu pays off. Finally, she extracted the radioactive element radium from it and realized her ideal. Madame Curie's ideal is great. It is precisely because of this that she has achieved a great female scientist and added a shining star to the sky of science.

  Does Lu Xun have an ideal? have When Lu Xun saw the darkness of feudal society, he had an ideal in his heart: saving the Chinese nation. At first, Lu Xun believed that saving the Chinese nation was to save the suffering of the people. So he moved forward bravely towards the ideal of learning medicine, but when he saw the numbness of the Chinese people's spirit, he knew that root treatment was the essence of saving the Chinese nation. Therefore, he abandoned medicine and followed the text, fought with pen, and awakened the people's conscience. It was precisely because of the ideal that Lu Xun shouted for the awakening of the people after hesitation. Finally, his ideal was realized, and he was pleased with it!

  I also have an ideal. My ideal is small and subtle, but it can not be ignored. I hope I can gain and grow in learning. It's never too old to learn. Learning is always my motto. I want to apply what I have learned and repay the society. Although my ideal is small, I believe that inspired by my ideal, I will move forward bravely and realize my ideal!

  Liushahe once said in ideal that "an ideal person is a capital person". Yes, an ideal person is a person who walks upright, and an ideal person is a capital person. Without ideals, life is meaningless. People without ideals are people who waste their time and do nothing.

  With ideals, drive the ideal car and climb to the peak of life. On the peak is the pride of "being the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains". Those who have ideals will achieve great things!
















  I envy those who have lofty aspirations, pursue ideals and climb the peak bravely.

  Legendary figure through the ages -- Li Bai

  When summoned by the emperor, he cheered for his way to official career. He sang "laugh up to the sky and go out. Are we Penghao people?" even if we are greedy, we still have a firm belief that one day we will "break the wind and waves sometimes, hang the clouds and sail to the sea." with unrestrained passion and heroic spirit, he shouted "I am a madman in Chu, and the wind sings and laughs at Kong Qiu." his persistent pursuit of ideals made his poems come into being The artistic charm of "the pen startles the wind and rain, and the poem becomes crying ghosts and gods".

  Confucius, a great educator in ancient times

  Although he lost his father when he was young and lived in poverty, he traveled around the world for a long time in order to achieve his ideals. Even if the powers of various countries did not accept his ideas at that time, they still insisted on not giving up their ideals, educated the public, influenced people with "benevolence", and finally left a name in history. It was this persistence and not giving up their ideals that built the great educator and thinker in ancient China.

  Qu Yuan, a great thinker and progressive politician

  He insisted on realizing his political ideal in the state of Chu. When he was ostracized and framed and expected that there was no hope of realizing his proposition, he would rather die than surrender and finally die for his country. He melted his ideal, experience, pain, enthusiasm and even the whole life into his poems. "Although he died nine times, he did not regret his sorrow." His steadfastness and unyielding just made him stick to his sentiment and not jump into the river to commit suicide. This fearless pursuit of ideals is exactly what I admire.

  Sima Qian, an ancient historian

  "Capital punishment without anger" endured great humiliation. After being released from prison, he worked harder to write historical records and devoted all his life and emotion to his work. He exhausted his life energy and pursued his ideal.

  Lu Xun, who abandoned medicine and followed literature, in order to revive China, stabbed the enemy's heart with a pen as a sword and awakened the Chinese people's conscience. This is his great ideal, and he sacrificed himself madly and was willing to be a child and ox.

  Like Wang Wei, standing on the front line and looking into the distance, he sang: "the desert is lonely and smoke is straight, and the long river falls yen." like Wang Changling, he went to the frontier to defend his country. Standing on the city wall, he shouted: "gold wears three armours in a hundred battles, and it won't be returned until the Loulan is broken." more people in Hua are so brave and brave in pursuing their ideals, so that they can write "don't laugh when you lie drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times." Such a sentence.

  There is a lot of talk about ideals. Although there is a broken void, it can always bring a trace of warmth and expectation. Since ancient times, many people have broken their heads and blood for that trace of warmth, would rather die than surrender, and finally could not retire to qingtianshan. However, in the pursuit of persistent struggle for ideals, death is nothing. This is the charm of ideals. "Huihui, who am I in the sky? Who do we let fly to the sky?" Chang Lun is so confident that only a person with ideals can do it.

  With ideals in mind, we are still ascetics. The clearest step is to step on the muddy road. When we strive for ideals, when we climb the peak, we will have the heroic spirit of "meeting the top and looking at the mountains".














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