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时间:2023-02-17 17:26:44  来源:养殖之家网   作者:

























  This is a story book, the inside story is ridiculous, funny, interesting; it is more than a page of the book, the show is a long afternoon, just to meet all kinds of animal and a little girl there; it is also a Book of fairy tales seems even in the most common the book, all the characters in the story are able to speak, have their own thoughts, and that any a fairy tale is almost no difference between what.

  Everything in this book is so strange and interesting. The people there could not speak, and the water that Alice had eaten or drank could turn into small, small cakes and large mushrooms. Paper, fantasy, adventure, lovely characters, vivid language brings us fantasies, adventures, and this brings us to a beautiful world together with Alice.

  Alices Wonderland is actually a girls growing up. The quality of growing up is worth learning. Alice is full of curiosity, in order to own the "nightmare" like a dream, the rabbit began to resolutely pursue adventure; Alice is strong, fell into the hole, she did not like a normal girl so desperate cry, but actively looking for a way out; Alice is generous, in a a strange environment to meet people and things strange and not timid and cautious; Alice is witty, in order to rescue the Mad Hatter, sneaked into the Red Queen palace and the Red Queen ferocious and ruthless Knight representations of wits; Alice is justice, in order to underground the stability of the world and joined the White Queen c& Alice is brave, in the face of the Red Queen of evil monster dragon she chose not to escape, but the courage to face; Alice is confident, in the face of a stronger enemy and difficulties Believe in yourself, inspire your potential, and conquer the monster dragon.

  Lewiss little girl, Alice, always smiles and smiles like sunshine. Everyone interprets different souls from her smile, and, as the author puts it, a magical journey for children, even for adults, is precious.

  Alices story was over and she finally woke up. She was still under the tree and went to tea immediately. (of course, the dishes were clean). When I saw the story in the early morning, I fell asleep. I wish I could come to Wonderland in the footsteps of Alice oh no, not necessarily Wonderland, as long as its a pure place, one can only adapt to the place where only children can do it. I cant say Im as fearless as Alice, but Ill try to do it and go back to the little girl.

  In "Alice in Wonderland", I gathered a lovely little girl, her name is Alice; and a lovely gift, that belongs to the innocence of a child.


  今天,我读了爱丽丝梦游仙境,故事可好听了讲了:爱丽丝和姐姐在树下看书,突然看见一只穿着背心`带着怀表的兔子,爱丽丝怀疑自己看错了。好奇心的驱使下,她跟着这只奇怪的兔子走呀走呀, 想看个究竟,不料一不小心,跟着兔子跌入了兔子洞,进入了一个神奇的国度。



  During the summer vacation, I read the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". I think a good book, harvest a hundred flavors of life, it can not only for us to exclude the heart of the trouble, for us to solve the mystery of the heart, more for us to guide the way forward, open our minds, enhance our taste, and this book is just such a good book.

  The main character Alice is a lively, mischievous, innocent, romping little girl. It is written that Alice and her sister fell asleep while reading a book, and she fell into a deep hole when chasing a strange rabbit, and her fantastic journey began from then on. In this world, she became big and small, fell into a pond of tears, met the duchess who loves to find lessons, the mysterious and unpredictable material county cat, the poker queen who always shouted to cut other people's heads, and a group of poker people. Attends a crazy tea party and a wacky ball game and a trial, and later wakes up with a clash with the queen.

  This funny fairy tale combines the absurd and bizarre imagination with real and reasonable common sense, allowing people to experience both the heart of children and insinuate the world, while also reflecting Alice's naivety, romp and childishness.

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