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时间:2023-03-02 16:07:57  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


















  I think it's important for us to thank our parents. Since I was born, my parents have given me all their love and care, but never expect anything in return. They havebrought me up and taken good care of me carefully and patiently.

  Last year, I was chosen to take part in a speech competition. I felt very nervous. My parents tried hard to help me prepare for it. They encouraged me to be confident and told me not to care much about the result. They said the process of learning was more meaningful.

  With their help, I did very well that time. I felt happy and proud. I'd like to say “Thanks a lot! You're great! I will love you forever!” to mum and dad.


Dear Mr. Jefferson:

  I am writing to thank you for your kindness and hospitality I enjoyed during my stay in your place.

  It is very kind of you to invite me to spend my Christmas holiday in your place last month. The room you arranged for me in your house was quiet, clean and comfortable. The food was very delicious. And visits to

  local scenic spots were really wonderful. They have not only broadened my horizon, but also eiched my experience. By the way, if it is convenient for you, please come over and spend your Spring Festival this year in my place.

  Thank you very much again.





Drunken Driving

Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for/behind this phenomenon. Firstly, recent decades have witnessed the rapid development of people’s living standards. As a result,cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then, they may get drunkbut continue to drive.

Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequenceif we keep turning a blind eye to it. Firs and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers,resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating theinjured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time andresources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road anightmare, and thus, it will causes serious losses of faith in governments andthe society.

In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will onlya matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.


Dear Sirs,

  I read your advertisement in yesterday’S paper.I think I am the best person fit for the position.

  I'm 23 years old.I graduated from Boston University two years ago.My major at university was computer engi—neering.After graduation l worked as a computer engineer in a big company for two years.Now I have enough expe-fience in this field.And I'm very interested in it.

  I like sports and I am in good health.I like hard work.I’m sure I can do your iob well if I can become a member of your company.

  I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Very sincerely yours,

  Matt Han


  Is Failure a Bad Thing?

  Failure is a common thing in our daily life. For example, sometimes we fail to pass the examinations. On other occasions, we are defeated in sport games. And there are times when we fail to do more satisfactory work. So it is safe to say that every one of us must have encountered failure of one kind or another.

  However, different people have different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart when they come across failures. They seem to think that it is the end of the world. Others, on the contrary, don’t take failure seriously. They seem to think that failure is first step to success.

  In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but our attitude towards it. If we are afraid of failure and yield to it easily, we are bound to have one failure after another. But as long as we have confidence in ourselves and learn something from failure, we’ll certainly go from victory to victory. So I’m never afraid of failure, or I firmly believe that “failure is the mother of success.”


  Speaking of my student life, it‘s very interesting. Besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. Of course, we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day. I receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them.

  Although sometimes we have many exams in our student life, it can be good for us. Everyone hates exams, but it helps us realize how much we‘ve learned from school. Just enjoy your student life. It goes by fast.




Dear Jane,

  My parents are going to hold a birthday party for meat 13:00 on May 29th(Sunday) at home. Will you be freeand come to my party? I'll be very happy if you are. Be-sides, Tom, Mary and some other classmates are comingtoo.

  You may take bus No.2 to Qing Street and walkstraight about 20 meters. There you'll see a drag store. Atthe comer of it, turn right and get into a very narrow pathand look for Beiqing No.10. That's my home. We'll waitfor you there.

  Please call me before the date if you can not come.I can't wait for the get-together.



  Dear Bonnie:

  Your friend Gao Ming.

  I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”. Have a nice stay here.

  Yours, Alice


  The Loyal Dog

  Many people like to raise a pet to company them. Especially as there are more only child, keeping a pet can fill the blank space of a sibling. Dogs are most people’s choice, for they are said to be the loyal friends.

  In the movies, dogs are described as human being’s trustful friends and they will never abandon their masters. In the famous and touching movie Hachi, a homeless dog named Hachi is raised by a professor. The dog waits for his master to go home after work at the train station every day. Someday, the professor has a heart attack while he is having class and he dies. Hachi never sees his master appear in the train station, but he still goes to the place to wait for his master until the end of his life.

  Everybody is moved by the loyal dog, his story still goes on.


  People have different ideas about this issue, Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger, do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.






  Dear Glad,

  Yours, Wang Ping

  I am writing to say that I will not be able to meet you at the airport next Monday morning.

  This morning my boss asked me to go to Shanghai on business tomorrow. It is something very important for our company and I will have to go. By the way, I will be back within 10 days. When you arrive, please take Bus No.345 and get off at the East Bus Station. The station is not far from my house and you will find my house easily. My mother is always at home. I told my mother that you would come already. Looking forward to seeing you.


  Yao Ming, the name won’t be forgotten by the world, though he is retired. Now Yao has opened the new chapter of his life, he has a happy family, his retired life is fulfilling. Yao Ming is thought to be China’s miracle, he plays basketball so well and influents the word. Though he stops his basketball career, his influence is going on.

  One the one hand, Yao Ming makes the world know more about China. Since Yao Ming joined NBA, he stood for China. As NBA caught the world’s attention, the media was so curious about this tall guy. Yao was the first Chinese basketball player to catch so many people’s attention. Because of his great success, people wanted to know China.

  On the other hand, Yao’s successful career inspires Chinese teenagers to pursue their dreams. Before Yao, less teenagers would treat the basketball career as the future career choice, because basketball was not popular in China. But now, Yao inspires the teenagers, he proves that playing basketball can be successful.

  There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a great person, he influents both China and the world.









这般虎父犬子的现象不止此一例。中国上下五千年各种皇帝数不胜数,而其中堪当盖世伟业雄才大略的人却极少。然而唐太宗李世民却是当之无愧的皇帝精英。身为皇帝精英,李世民自然是后宫佳丽三千,以至于子嗣繁多,儿孙满堂。不算女儿,他的一生中共有十四个儿子。他这般多子多福必然有一个可以继承大统的吧。实则不然,李世明的是四个儿子,无以成器。三个被杀,一个被幽禁,三个自 杀,三个早夭,两个平庸无能,最后两个被流放。一代帝王之家竟是无一人能继承父亲的风采。













  I have a precious pen, which was given to me as a birthday present by one of my best friends. I like it very much. However, this pen once has an unusual experience.

  When I was a student of Grade Two, I lost my precious pen because of carelessness when our school was holding a sports meeting. I almost felt crazy when I realized that it was missing. I searched the playground carefully and even the road leading to my home. I put up several notices with their titles—My Precious Pen Lost, in which I promised to pay the one who gives the pen back to me 100 yuan. Several days later, I heard my name called by someone. It was a girl with a pen in her hand. I felt excited to see my precious pen back. I thanked this kind girl again and again, who didn’t accept the money I gave her as a reward.

  From the unusual experience of my precious pen, I learn that we should be thankful to those who always do good deeds and also be ready to do what we can to help others.

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