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时间:2023-03-02 16:08:50  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


  We have many rules in our school.

  Don’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. We can’t eat in class. We must eat in the dining hall. Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t talk in the classroom. Don’t listen to music in class. And don’t sleep in class. We have to wear sports shoes in P.E. class. We have to clean the classroom every day.

  As a student, we have to follow the school rules.



Jim 是个中学生, 学习努力, 平时喜欢上网冲浪和看英语书。 他每周锻炼一至两次,饮食习惯良好, 天天步行上学,身体健康。

提示词: Internet, once or twice , eating habit, hardly, junk food, healthy

Jim is a high school student. He works hard at school. He usually likes surfing the Internet and reading English books .He exercises once or twice a week. He has good eating habits. He hardly ever eats junk food. Every day he goes to school on foot. So he is very healthy.



你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:

1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;

2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;

3. 如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。


Dear Marry,

I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow?

The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.

If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. I will be happy that you can come.




根据提示,请以“School Rules”为题,写一篇短文或对话 提示:每所学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向一位新生Mary作一下介绍。内容包括:

1. 上课不能迟到。

2. 教室要保持(keep)干净和安静。

3. 见到老师要问好。(greet)

4. 不允许在教室里吃东西。

5. 不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。

6. 不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers; climb trees)

School Rules

Welcome to our school, Mary. Here are some of our school rules. Let me tell you: We can't arrive late for class. We can't talk loudly in class. We have to be quiet in class, and we have to keep our class clean. When we meet the teachers on the way, we must greet them. We can't eat or drink in the classroom. But we can eat outside. We can't listen to music or play games in class, either. We can't pick flowers or climb trees.


  One day somebody sent Cao Cao an elephant.

  Cao Cao wanted to know how heavy the elephant was,but there was nothing big enough to weigh it on.Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones.Cao Cao and some other people were very surprised,but still he ordered his men to get everything ready.When they led the elephant down into the boat,the water came up,then Cao Chong marked the water line.Then they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones in the boat until the water came up to the same line.At last,Cao Chong told the men to weigh each of the stones.In this way,he weighed the elephant.


  Everyone has a beautiful dream. Some want to be a singer. Some want to be a musician.

  I wish I can be a teacher. I think it’s an interesting and busy job. I can help students study. I can play with them. And I can make friends with them.

  So, I must study hard now. My dream will come true.


  Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short—sighted. Some students get short—sightedness when they are little. There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class. Being short—sighted is common among students, even in primary school. That is too serious.

  Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully. When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture. Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long. They are bad for our eyes. And, we should do eyes exercises regularly. A good rest is also important to our eyes. In all, eyes are the windows of our mind. We should keep it healthy.

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