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时间:2023-03-02 16:13:30  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


  I am an ordinary person, is a boy, an ordinary boy.

  In life, often an ordinary person will encounter extraordinary things. There may be a strange person, something unusual, something unpleasant, a problem or a question about a question. And this kind of thing, often can not avoid thinking.

  Some people say, "thinking is to test the meaning of life, to think, to not waste life." And I think that thinking is not that deep. Thinking is just to solve the question and think, there is nothing to waste life. But if you've been studying something that doesn't have to be considered, I'm just wasting time. But I don't think there's anything to think about, because there's a reason to do everything.

  In life, we often need to think, but only to the extent of thinking. Thinking is a good thing, and even thinking about useless questions can be rewarding. We must learn to think and develop good habits of thinking. To have a jealous heart for everything, the ancients said, "for the sake of learning, doubt will come." People who are good at discovering and thinking about problems tend to be successful people.


  Sometimes life makes you have to change roles. Do you experience peace of mind? You will find it meaningful. When we face all the things that life gives us in such a way, we always get some unexpected new feeling and new experience when we feel everything in a humble way. Our mental attitude makes us more aware of life. Live in a happy mood.

  I want to meet this kind of thing, might as well see open a little, do a change bit of thinking, with a common heart to face all the changes in life, you will have the unexpected harvest. The ancients cloud: "a gentleman naked, SIMS often creates", in fact, as long as we are open-minded, straight, it will feel HaiKuoTianGao, anything can cheer up, the mood nature is positive. Cheer up, not the sophistication, the transcendental everything outside of the hermit, but an understanding of life, with its wide broad mind to accommodate all things in your life, breadth of mind to face the world with the distribution. If so, will we have those unwarranted worries?

  Empathy is not about making you feel bad about yourself. It's not about making you look down on yourself. On the contrary, it is to let you to have a correct understanding of the objective, so that you will be better to believe in yourself, and to challenge everything, the pursuit of excellence in the process of life and dreams, and welcome the brilliant time and time again.

  Learn to change your mind and treat all the great joys and sorrows of your life with ease. The reality of everything must learn to adapt, so you will be happy every day!


  "The weakness of human nature" once mentioned that "to be a real man, you must be a person who is not blind." Yes, blind man is a person without wisdom, truly wise is not a fence, and is a strong willed nail, adhere to the correct position of their own life, adhere to the scientific truth. And blind obedience must be like the wrong direction, guiding us to fall into the wrong abyss.

  Ding Zhaozhong is a famous physicist, he does not accord with experimental results obtained in measuring the radius of the electron and theoretical physicists and derived results, because other physicists conclude electronic no volume, thinking he have different results after heavy experiment experimental results prove the scientists before are wrong. Later Ding Zhaozhong obtained a revelation: do the physics experiment, do not blindly follow the expert conclusion.

  Ding Zhaozhong dare to insist, against the expert conclusion behavior is bold, it is admirable, but the blind followers with comparison, we can see that blindly with the flow of people is how foolish bear.

  When the spring and Autumn period, is an ugly woman, she saw the beauty of Xi Shi because of chest pain clutching his chest, frowning look beautiful, also with Xi Shi, originally looks ugly, he frowned, originally form Hanxiong humpback, and covered his chest, get more ugly and a sneer at.

  Take the story to prove that the blind obedience of the ridiculous. This unconsciously caused us to think deeply. Why Ding Zhaozhong will be admirable, but when is fun? The reason is very simple. Ding Zhaozhong dare to put forward his own unique opinions and ideas, stick to the truth and seek truth and pragmatism, while Dong Shi doesn't study the essential content, just imitate the form of expression. Therefore, we should insist on being the master of our mind.

  With regard to independent thinking and blind obedience, many examples are inspiring. Because of the independent thinking, Copernicus found the heliocentric theory to achieve a fundamental reform of astronomy, Han Yu launched a literary movement, inject new blood to the literature. But because blindly, dongshixiaopin eventually became a joke, Yan Ling Handan's crawling wrong life. Therefore, only the independent thinking and the refusal of blind obedience can make us go on the right path, gain more harvest, and have a more perfect life.


  From small to big, I learned things like the stars in the sky, many, bright. And the one that most impressed me most was the one that I learned to think.

  From small to large, I would run to ask my parents or teachers if I couldn't do the problem. Maybe some people would say, "if you don't understand, you should ask, this method is very good." But whenever my parents say I don't like to think, I will use this sentence as a shield, and over time, I also find that it is a bad habit. So I made up my mind to think.

  As the saying goes: three days without a mouth, three days without practice. Only if you think carefully and practice repeatedly can you match your style and level in your life.


  The colorful world brings us infinite thinking, each time thinking is a progress, each time thinking makes us gradually mature. In the process of thinking, we also learn to think, thinking makes our thinking more rigorous.

  So thinking is the most valuable thing in human beings. Therefore, in the complex social group, we should think calmly, observe the society with reason, and think about life. Gradually we can conquer the world.


  There are many things we need to deal with in our daily life. Even with the ability to deal with it, it can't be handled properly without thinking. It's like I play ping-pong, although my opponent is a weak girl, but we're only 1-1. Why on earth I can't beat a weak woman with the wind blowing? The thing is...

  Although I and the little girl to a draw, but I was lost, I lose, loses in I can't stand like a little girl, lost, loses in I don't have a calm heart, lose to lose in my permitted to act without thinking. I have a deep understanding of this matter: "no matter what happens in the future, I will have to think about it and make the best way to deal with it and save time and effort. This can achieve high efficiency!


  Today, I was at home playing with a water car when I suddenly found a very strange problem. I ran to the living room and asked my father.

  "Dad, I was playing with the water truck, and I found a strange thing. I put one hand in the water, took a small cup in the other hand, and ladled a cup of water on the hand that was soaking in the water. The hand that was in the water felt nothing. But when my hand was not in the water, and I ladled it out with a little cup, I had a cold feeling on my hand. What the hell is this?"

  The father smiled: "son, you learn to think! The reason: when your hands are in the water for a while, the temperature in your hand is the same as the temperature in the water, so the water is on your hand and you don't feel cool. The temperature of the water is lower than the temperature of the hand, you will feel cool when you pour cold water into your hands.

  Ah, I learned to think, I am so happy! I will think more and think more!


  Every man must learn to think, and he who cannot think is an incomplete man.

  Only thinking can understand the whole thing. "Young people are active, creative and imaginative, sometimes inspired," wrote British experientialist Francis Bacon in his essay. Of course this is a compliment to young people, because young people are really energetic compared to the elderly. But if you really go to further research the young man thought activity, you will find that there are a lot of them are part in nothing all day long, sensitive to the idea of ignorance without sleep state. The young people who really keep their minds clear, active and innovative are few and far between. But they will be the backbone of this society's future!

  So thinking is the most valuable thing in human beings. Therefore, in the complex social group, we should think calmly, observe the society with reason, and think about life. Gradually we can conquer the world.

上一篇:护理学生自我鉴定范文(11篇) 下一篇:扶贫调研报告范文(8篇)




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