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时间:2023-03-02 16:14:20  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


About Trouble




1.I am sorry to hear that……

2.you shoud learn to forget……

3.you had better……

4.you shoud learn to relax

5.you can ask your teacher for help

例文:(陕西省卷)假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。提示词语:listen to, mother"s love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile 写作要求:1.语句通顺,书写工整;2.可用所给提示词语,也可以适当发挥;3.词数在60-80左右

Dear Han Mei,

I"m afraid I"ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, "Be careful while crossing the street." "Put on more clothes." "Did you do a good job at school?" and so on. I"m annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do?



Dear Alice,

As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas/advices for you.Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it’s not a good way, but it shows your mother’s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother"s, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about.If your mother doesn’t take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.

I hope what I say here can help you a lot.

Han Mei






  Tom was afraid of snakes before. Yesterday he read a book on snakes.

  After reading the book, he knows about snakes better. He thought all snakes were poisonous and harmful before, but now he knows some are not. He thought we should kill snakes when we saw them. But now, he thinks we should protect them because snakes are our friends and are important in nature.

  Now he is not afraid of snakes any more, but likes them.


  In my opinion, patience is the key to success. Because of it, many people get good grades or do well in their jobs.

  I really want to have patience. On the one hand, I’m not patient at all. Sometimes I do my homework so quickly that it’s full of mistakes. On the other hand, it’s difficult for me to calm down and read passages word by word to get correct information.

  If I have patience,I will have many good habits. I think I will be closer to success and get good grades easily. Patience will change my life.

  The more patience I have, the better I will be.


  Myfavorite building is Zhuhai Fishing Girl, which is located at the scenicXianglu Bay, in Haibin Park. The statue is composed of granite and stands 8.7meters high, weighing 10 tons. It was built by a professor called Panhe fromGuangzhou Art College in 1982. Now it has become the landmark of Zhuhai. Itlooks so glorious.

  Look, she holds a pearl highly in the air with both of herhands in an elegant pose, as if she is greeting the guests from everywhere.That also symbolizes the brightness of Zhuhai. Every year, thousands of peoplecome to see it with their own eyes.

  If you travel to Zhuhai, I'd love to showyou around there. Maybe you'll have a nice time.


  One possible version:There’s no doubt that parents have given me a lot since I was born. With their care, I grow up happily. So I think it is necessary to do something special for them to show my gratitude.

  Both of my parents love music. So it would be a great idea to buy a wonderful CD for them. Last Sunday, I went to a bookstore and chose one among the top 10. While we were having dinner together, I played the CD. It was beautiful. With great joy, they gave me a warm hug and a big smile. I felt very sweet.

  I was really proud that I did something for my parents. Their smiles were the best encouragement for me. I made up my mind to do things like this more often.


  Most people have thought about the question of what will they do if tomorrow were the last day for them.

  Some parents said they wanted to travel to the place they had always wanted, or they just spent the day together, having a date liked they just met before.

  When the children were asked, they gave the answer that they wanted to spend the time with their parents.

  The parents were so moved as they saw the video, the underestimated their children’s love for them, because sometimes arguments happened and the children would say bad words to hurt their feelings.

  The children love their parents always, no matter what happens.







  Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It’s held once every four years.The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.

  “One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games.

  And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they’re the personifications of animals.

  With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the industrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success!

  Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !


  How to Keep Healthy Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay attention to your diets. Dont eat too much meat and sugar. Eat more vegetables.


  Secondly, have a good mood towards life. A good mood will bring you a healthy body, too.


  Last, do some exercises. Exercises help you build a strong and healthy body.





提示:1. 音乐使人充满活力,让人快乐;

2. 没有音乐,生活就没有乐趣;

3. 你最喜欢的音乐是......

4. 你不能忍受的音乐是......

要求:1. 80词左右;

2. 恰当运用定语从句。



I like music very much. It gives me energy when I’m tired and it makes me happy when I’m sad. Music is very important in our life. If there is no music, our life won’t be so interesting. Different people like different kinds of music. I like electronic music that’s loud. It makes me excited. I also like music that I can dance to. The Cool Kids is my favorite band. I can’t stand music that is quiet and slow. It makes me sleepy.


  Many people can have their weekend,so do i.it is so happy for seeing the weekend' coming,because i have more spare time and free time to spend my life. first, if no others' disturb, i can spend my dear all day time before TV at home.there are my favourite programmes. after watching tv, the bed seems to call me.therefore, i can take a bread for a short time. second,easy shopping for me is pretty good thing,so as that i do not need to buy too many tings,but just some my life need.at the same time, i can expend my eyes on these that i cannot for my busy work. it can be said that is enjoyment. let my body slowly relax and refresh. what a great thing!

  Finally.i like my weekend.And you?


  However we are, however the world is, we are living in the same world. Maybe some are rich, others are poor, some are healthy, others are unhealthy, but there is an only warm heart around us… Thanksgiving. As a student, I'll leave my mother school. There are so many feelings in my heart, because so many people give me so much. I was born in a poor family. When I had problems with the cost of living, unknown people raised money to pay for my costs. When I couldn't go to school for illness, my teachers helped me with subjects in their free time; When I fell down in exams, my teachers always brought me warm words and encouraged me to get over differences. Now I’ve become one of the top students, but I think my success depends on the people who always love and care for me without return. Finally, I think I should have a thankful heart to help others, and give my love to the people in trouble around me, give my love to my society, give my love to my parents.

  pollution produced is very dangerous. People will go to the moon for vacations. What do you think?


  How to deal with telecom fraud

  These days telecom fraud occurs frequently by means of telephones, text messages, the internet or false information with the purpose of cheating people of their money, which has caused great property loss to some people. The cheat usually asks you to remit money or transfer accounts. The following are some measures which, I think, may be of some help to you in preventing telecom fraud.

  First ,don't believe in the cheat. Whatever they say, don't be fooled by them. Second, keep your personal information from others especially your ID number ; otherwise you will easily fall to victim. Last but not the least, remember the saying“ Money doesn't grow on tree. ” and be cautious about calls or short messages from strangers.

  To conclude, if we raise awareness of self -protection, the cheats will never get anything.


Dear Rita,

  How is everything going? I’d like to introduce my friend, TIAN TIAN , to you。 She’s twelve year-old。 She’sgot short hair and big eyes。 She likes swimming、reading books and singing。 She will study in George Spencer School for one year。 I’ar。 I’ve already told her many things about you。 I belive that you will be good friends。 She’ll arrive on August the first at the London Xiseluo airport。 She’ll arrive ato’ clock in the afternoon。Remember, she will wear a green shirt、blue shorts and a pair of sunglasses。

  Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks。

  Best wishes。


  Li Hua


  I have a bike. I ride it to school every day. The bike came to me two years ago as a birthday present from my Mom. It cost my Mom about 580 yuan. It was a big sum of money for her at that time. I know it showed the great love of my Mom to me. The bike was made in Shanghai and it is about 100cm high and its color is blue, my favorite.

  It plays an important part in my school life. And I hope someday in the future, I’ll have a car to drive. A car is much faster and more convenient than a bike especially when it rains or snows. I’ll drive my mom anywhere she wants.


  Today, when I went shopping with my friends, we found an interesting shop. The shop sold all kinds of postcards, then I saw the words of writing a letter to ten year’s me.

  I was so curious, I never heard about it before, so I asked the boss was it possible to do this. The boss said they would keep the letter for the customers until the day to send the postcard. I was so excited, I decided to write a letter to the future me. I wrote the encouraging words, so when I see the letter in the future, I would have the good mood. I am so looking forward to getting the letter in the future.


I have a best friend. We grow up together. In fact, she is my neighbor. Her home is three minutes from mine. We play together since I can remember things. We also study in the same school, but in the same class. We all study hard in school. After school, sometimes she will ask me to here house for dinner, and sometimes I will ask her to my home for dinner. We always sleep together, sometimes in my home, and sometimes in hers. We talk something in our life but not important, everything happened in school, our dreams and so on. We make a promise to be good friends forever.












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