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时间:2023-03-02 20:46:16  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


  Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.从前,一所房子里面有一只大猫,他抓住了很多偷东西的老鼠。

  One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.一天,老鼠在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人。会上大家各有各的主张,最后,一只小老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。

  "We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away." “我们可以在猫的脖子上绑一个铃铛,那么如果他来到附近,我们听到铃声就可以马上逃跑。”

  Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“这的确是个绝妙的主意,但是谁来给猫的脖子上绑铃铛呢?”老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没有说话。


  Currently,the major dilemma which most people face when purchasing houses is to buy a house downtown or a house in the suburbs.

  Those who decide to buy a house downtown have long been dreaming of living in a house of their own in the center of a city. They believe that only by living in a house downtown can they live a convenient life, as they can easily get to supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals and cinemas.

  Other people, however, believe that it is not realistic and necessary for all people to buy a house downtown. It is true that it can be convenient when living downtown, but this is not to say that you will feel inconvenient when you live in the suburbs. With the process of urbanization, the difference will be smaller and smaller. Furthermore, you can buy a car with the money you save while buying the house. The best way is to keep balance between location, price and other factors.

  No matter which choice a prson will finally make, he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice. He will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to make decisions according to the goal.




  无论一个人最终做出哪种选择,他都得非常小心地看其独特的情况,并征询前人的意见。如果他知道自己的生活目标,他将会做出正确的选择, 以及如何根据目标做出决定。


  Summer vacation Well, every student is looking for stars, hope the moon. I am no exception, after all, summer vacation has two months time! Of course I will not let this "hard-won" beautiful summer white soup. Should this, just finished the test, I like a big lobster like lying on the table before the summer plan. "Well, this reading and writing can not be less. Well, that is the computer and watch TV is essential" good guy, I actually spent 1 hour!

  In this way, happy to play for a few days. Two days later, my mother and I reported two names, one day later, the teacher arranged the summer job. Good guy, that hateful language teacher actually called us to the fourth grade of the ancient poem famous copy 8 times! At this time, the classroom roof was "overturned" the. The students are clamoring. I myself to comfort myself: nothing, not to copy eight times Well, big deal I am faster, or do not change the plan it

  And after a day, students Xiaosheng called me and she went to learn Taekwondo, the whole family to discuss, decided to let me learn. At this time, cousin came to the phone: "Hey, Yue Yue, summer vacation to live a few days Oh! The way I teach you to paint!" "Really? Thats great! I must come!" At this time, Had forgotten the plan, it was thrown into the clouds.

  Look at the schedule, I have found, unconsciously, I have to fill the plan table, and time is not enough! How to do? Can only smoke a little time down slightly ... ... but the same control down, no one is free. How about that? Only for the change. What is it for? Well, I had only three hours nap changed to learn taekwondo so that my summer vacation will become very "adequate". This summer is really bad luck Oh!






  It's so busy on the fifth day of May! Another year's Dragon Boat Festival is coming.

  Dragon Boat Festival, like Spring Festival and Mid Autumn Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in our country. Our country is rich in land and resources, and the customs and habits of different places are different, so there are many different ways to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Listen to my father. In Wenzhou, the most bustling part of the Dragon Boat Festival used to be rowing. Almost every village has its own dragon boat team, competing fiercely in the river. Gongs and drums, shouts, resounding through the sky. At the beginning of the competition, more than 20 oarsmen followed the drummer's rhythm and rowed hard. The dragon boat quickly slipped forward like an arrow from the string. The two commanders of the dragon head and the dragon tail are doing 180 or even 360 degree turning and jumping in a narrow space, winning cheers and cheers. Of course, people are also worried that he will fall into the water But it's hard to see now. The government has not rowed a dragon boat for a long time for safety reasons. At least I haven't seen that scene. I'm looking forward to seeing it

  And the happiest thing for children is the egg smash competition. The duck eggs cooked in herbal tea are hung on the chest in a carefully made net bag. A few children will have an egg collision competition. Those whose eggshells are cracked will lose, while those whose eggshells are intact will win. However, whether it's the loser or the winner, in the end, the duck egg will go into the little belly of the children.

  The Dragon Boat Festival here also has the customs of eating zongzi, planting wormwood, Artemisia and spraying realgar wine, which may be similar to the customs in other places.

  I'm looking forward to the fragrant zongzi of Dragon Boat Festival!







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  Learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow.


  sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.


  Don't look back,just haven't found leave your reasons.


  Pale moonlight,I declare lonely and shadow.


  Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.


  Pale words who can see this person's bitter


  Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.


  Happiness by adding those sad there the elements.


  No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


  Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad.


  《快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer Holidays》

  My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

  Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.




  Waking from a sweet sleep, I reached yawn, the thought of today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I am excited to jump up out of bed, ran to the kitchen to find mom.

  "Mom, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but I want to eat rice dumplings!" One into the kitchen, I rang. Saw mother like magic, out of the bag "change" a bunch of nice plump dumplings. The zongzi emits the aroma, food made me "saliva dc three thousand feet", quickly take a snack to solution.

  Mother is like the small worm in my belly, pointing at my small nose said: "the little cat, I'll get something to eat for you right now." Mothers used scissors to cut the rope with rice dumplings, remove the package of the two layers of bamboo leaves. Dumplings as a diver turned over and fell into the bowl, mother had already prepared. A piece of delicious dumplings in front of my eyes, I saw the zongzi is black and red, dotted with black mushrooms, above and Bai Yougong meat, egg white, grain by glutinous rice, like sings little pearl. The glutinous rice stick you I, I stick with you, just like seven brothers.

  I like the autumn wind swept the leaves, willy-nilly, big mouth to eat it, a little later, zongzi is I swept.

  I still feel not enough, also want to eat, he said to mother: "mom, come again a rice dumplings." Mom looked at me, suddenly burst out laughing, laughing even the tears flow out, I think mother smile became one regiment, scratching their heads and ran to the front of the mirror, a look, ah, I like the circus clown, a look. Nor even the eyebrows "survived". I hurriedly washed all the face with a towel.

  I returned to the table again and eat with relish the second rice dumplings.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really interesting!









  One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem--how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to two meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three meters.

  有一天,动物园的管理员们发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了, 于是开会讨论,一致认为是笼子的高度过低,所以他们决定将笼子的高度由原来的1米加高到2米。结果第二天他们发现,袋鼠还是跑到外面来,所以他们又决定再将高度加高到3米。

  Quite beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten meters.

  没想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全跑到外面,于是管理 员们大为紧张,决定一不做二不休,将笼子的高度加高到10米。

  Later a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, “Do you think they will go on raising your cage?”

  一天,长颈鹿和几只袋鼠在闲聊,“你们看,这些人 会不会再继续加高你们的`笼子?”长颈鹿问。

  “Hard to say,” said a kangaroo, “if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door.”



  Primary Students Should Keep Far from the Internet

  The Internet becomes very popular in our life. It brings many advantages, but I think we primary students should keep far from the Internet.

  Firstly, we should focus on our study, so we can’t spend too much time on the Internet. We can be easily addicted to it. Secondly, there is much harmful information on the Internet. They would do harm to us. Finally, surfing the Internet for too long is harmful to our eyesight.

  Therefore, primary students should stay far from the Internet.






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