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时间:2023-03-02 20:46:32  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


Dear John,

  I have just heard the news that you propose to organize an end-to-the-term party. I support your plan, because after a term of painstaking study, we deserve and need a recreation to relax and to gather together, sharing our joy and hardship in the past several months.

  However, seeing that to hold a satisfying party is not an easy task, I think it’s necessary for me to help you. Having served the Student Union for three years, I have enough experience to help you prepare and organize the party, and I will do my best to offer my help. If you think it necessary, I will assist you in arranging the party according to the program I made last year when our Student Union held a similar party, and I will help you rent the classroom we need.

  I look forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming


Dear Bob:

  I have returned home from Canada now and I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your help in Canada. It has been one of my best vacations ever!

  Back at home, however, I am surprised to find that I mistakenly brought one of your CD home with my luggage, the one which you lent me in summer vacation when I was preparing for a music course test. I am really sorry for this and I hope no bother has been caused because of my mistake. I decide to send it back to you as soon as possible, so would you please send me your current mail address so that the CD can successfully reach you soon?

  I apologize again for my carelessness, and wish to meet you again soon!

























  (1)尽量少用缩写形式。如don't,can't,won't应写为do not,cannot,will not等。

  (2)用更加正式的否定形式。如not… any应写为no, not… much写为little, not many写做few等。

  (3)尽量少用“etc.”,“and so on”等表达方式。


Dear Bob,

  I have arrived in Shanghai yesterday and I want to show my gratitude to you for your hospitality.

  I am so sorry that I have forgotten to return the music CD that you lent me last month and I decide to send it back as soon as possible. Together with it is another CD of traditional Chinese music as a gift for you, which I hope that you will enjoy it very much.

  I wish I had not caused too much trouble for you. Thank you again for the help you gave me during my stay in Canada. Please tell me if you visit China some day and I can be your tour guide.

  Best regards.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming


  To Respect the Old and Love the Young

  How impressive the set of pictures are! In the first picture, the mother takes the daughter by the hand, while after thirty years the daughter hold her mother’s hand which is depicted in the second picture.

  The meaning conveyed in the two pictures reveals that to respect the old and love the young is the traditional virtue and should be passed on from one generation to another. In real life, our parents not only give us life but do much in bringing us up. As the time goes on, they grow so physically weak that they no longer have the power to support themselves. So it is human nature for us to take our responsibility of taking care of them when they are old. Meanwhile, the virtue of willing to support the graying parents should be educated among Chinese people, no matter how young they are. It is necessary to drill the idea to the young all the time, so that they can better respect the older in future.

  With love for the young, our society will be full of sunshine; with respect for the old, our country will be harmony and prosperous.


  Dear President,

  Being a senior student in this university, I am writing this letter with the hope of improving the students’ physical condition, as a growing number of students are getting much fatter, according to the latest survey.

  Here are some suggestions I would like to put forward. First of all , greater attention should be attached to the physical condition of college students, and I hope you could play a vital role in spreading such an idea. Mean while, more sport apparatus and sport fields may be needed, as more students have enrolled in this great university year by year.

  I do hope you can take the above suggestions into consideration and thanks in advance.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  The photos show two big fans of Beckham—a British football star. One writes the star’s name on his face and the other is having his hair made an expensive Beckham style.

  From them, we can vividly sense the enthusiasm of hero worship, which is an ordinary phenomenon in modern society. As a matter of fact, with mass media and multi’ culture fast developing, hero worship covers an increasingly large scope. People from all walks of life, usually if they are successful, outstanding or popular, may be admired by others.

  Hero worship is not absolutely right or wrong. It depends on what the worshipper does for his idol. If handled appropriately, hero worship may stimulate the positive aspects in us, such as passion for life, motivation for work and noble values. Learning from our idols we can gain enlightenment, encouragement and qualities that we need when we strive for a career. By loving them, we can add color to our life and explore a larger range of social experiences.


Dear Bob,

  I am writing this letter to make an apology to you. When I arrived at Peking yesterday evening, I found a music CD of yours, whose name is Madonna Live Concert, in my luggage. Much to my regret, I forgot to return it to you before my departure from Canada.

  Being in such an embarrassing situation, I am very regretful, but I also feel a necessity to find a method to solve the problem as soon as possible. I wonder if I could send the CD to you by FedEx tomorrow, and I will pay for the cost.

  I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience my carelessness has caused, and I hope my proposed solution could ease your displeasure and my guilt. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely Yours

  Li Ming













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