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时间:2023-02-17 17:26:34  来源:养殖之家网   作者:


  I used to watch her from mykitchenwindow,she seemed so small as she 1)muscled her way throughthecrowd of boys on the playground.

  The school was across thestreetfrom our home and I would often watch the kids as theyplayedduring recess. A sea of children,and yet to me,she stoodout fromthem all.I remr the first day I saw her playing basketball.

  I watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids.Shemanaged to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into thenet.The boys always tried to stop her but no one could.I begantonotice her at other times,basketball in hand,playing alone.Shewould practice 2)dribbling and shooting over and overagain,sometimes until dark.

  One day I asked her why she practicedsomuch. She looked directly in my eyes and without a momentofhesitation she said,“I want to go to college. The only way Icango is if I get a scholarship. I like basketball. I decided thatifI were good enough,I would get a scholarship. I am going toplaycollege basketball. I want to be the best.

  My Daddy told me ifthedream is big enough,the facts don’t count.” Then she smiledandran towards the court to 3)recap the routine I had seen overandover again.Well,I had to give it to her—she was determined.Iwatched her through those junior high years and into highschool.Every week,she led her 4)varsity team to victory.One day inhersenior year,I saw her sitting in the grass,head cradled inherarms. I walked across the street and sat down in the coolgrassbeside her.

  Quietly I asked what was wrong. “Oh,nothing,”came asoft reply. “I am just too short.” The coach told her that at5’5”she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team—muchless offered a scholarship—so she should stop dreamingaboutcollege.She was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tightenas Isensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to herdadabout it yet.She lifted her head from her hands and told methather father said those coaches were wrong. They just didnotunderstand the power of a dream.

  He told her that if shereallywanted to play for a good college,if she truly wantedascholarship,that nothing could stop her except one thing — herownattitude. He told her again,“If the dream is big enough,thefactsdon’t count.”The next year,as she and her team went totheNorthern California Championship game,she was seen by acollege5)recruiter. She was indeed offered a scholarship,a fullride,toa Division I,6)NCAA women’s basketball team. She was goingto getthe college education that she had dreamed of and workedtoward forall those years.It’s true: If the dream is big enough,the factsdon’t count.












  Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in most any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their respective houses.


  One evening, Brownie's family noticed that Brownie hadn't returned home. They went looking for him with no success. Brownie didn't show up the next day, and, despite their efforts to find him, by the next week he was still missing.


  Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie's house alone. Barking, whining and generally pestering2 Brownie's human family. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog.


  Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take “no” for an answer. Ted, Brownie's owner, was steadily harassed3 by the furious, adamant4 little dog. Spotty followed Ted about, barking insistently, then darting toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me! It's urgent!”


  Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly. The little dog led the man under a tree, past clumps5 of trees, to a desolate spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished he'd taken Spotty's earlier appeals seriously. Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.


  Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie's human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an array of dog food and table scraps1 which were later identified as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that week!


  Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in a single瞞inded quest to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort. Spotty had evidently stayed with Brownie to protect him from predators2, snuggling with him at night to keep him warm and nuzzling3 him to keep his spirits up.


  Brownie's leg was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many years thereafter, the two families watched the faithful friends frolicking4 and chasing each other down that well瞱orn path between their houses.



  Make your fate in control

  Fate is determined by character, and character is determined by knowledge, desire and habit. If a person wants to change his fate, he has to change his character first; and if he wants to change his character, he has to change his knowledge or his desires and habits. Complaining to other people or the environments makes no sense.

  Actually, everybody in this world will know about the meaning of life. It’s just the matter of time. A worker, who had just lost his job, met a university professor one day. He admitted that he didn’t love to study when he was a student. He just hated to study no matter what and how his father asked him to. When he got a job and became a worker, he realized how important to have knowledge in this world. But, it was too late…

  There are no parents who don’t think studying is important for their children, and all the parents tell their children to study hard. We, however, still have so much difference on different children, on the results, that we finally will know it’ is the matter of self-control.

  When we are kids in a primary school, we see no difference from each other. We just know somebody is good at Chinese, Math or Sports. We just know that the teacher likes him or her. Nowadays, we differentiate our classmates by their parents. We say: oh, god, his father is the vice mayor, his father is very rich; his mother is the dean of the biggest hospital…. This is definitely not a good sign for China and the Chinese people, because it makes no competition for the youngsters, who are having China’s future in hand.

  The poor always hate the rich, because they see the rich driving all the luxury cars, living in condominiums, villas and spending money like they are countless. And the poor see the rich always on vocations, always so relaxed and enjoyable. So the poor are jealous and they wonder how can the rich be so rich and the poor are so poor. Well, the poor obviously forget one thing: When the rich are working hard and smart to collect money, the poor are lying somewhere and making complains.

  Make your fate and success in control; you can make a difference in the future, unless you want to a poor person, both mentally and physically.


  知足常乐Be Happy With Satisfaction

  Once people were asked if they felt happy, most people did not know how to answer, to their hesitation, they were not satisfied with their situation. Today, people are under great pressure, they live in a fast-paced way. They have worked so hard to satisfy their meets, but what they want is far out of their reach, so they feel tired and not happy. Happiness could be an easy thing, only if people are easy to be satisfied, they can be happy for having a vacation and having dinner with their parents, these things are easy to be ignored. When people are ambitious, they want more, they don’t realize what they have is more than other people, other people want to be one of them. So when you feel unhappy, why don’t you look at the things you have, you will realize you are a happy man.



  Most people usually traveled by ship and train which are driven by steam engine. It played an important part in many kinds of vehicles several scores of years ago. Who invented steam engine and what units could be used to measure the power of engine?

  The word “horse-power” was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt from a workers family made the world first widely used steam engine. At first, he couldnt tell people how powerful it was, because there were no units at that time. Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He named that unit one horse-power. In this way he could measure the work of his steam engine.

  He discovered that a horse could lift a 3300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute. Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horse-power engine.

  31. The main idea of the passage is __B_.

  A. James Watt invented the steam engine

  B. James Watt first used horse-power as a unit of measure

  C. how much power does a horse have

  D. why Watts engine is called a ten horse-power engine

  32. The story says that Watt made the first __D__.

  A. engine B. horse-power engine C. useful engine D. widely used steam engine

  33. James Watt was born in _A___.

  A. a workers family B. a farmers family C. a teachers family D. a doctors

  steam engine

  34. Watt wanted to find a way to _D___.

  A. measure the work his engine could do B. tell people how powerful his engine was C. lift a 3300-pound weight D. both A and B

  35. One horse-power means the __A__.

  A. work a horse could do in a minute B. weight a horse could do in ten minutes C. work a horse could do in ten minutes D. weight of one horse


  My Journals 7

  June 22, 2005.. I bought a 525 ml bottle of Vaseline(a brand of lotion.) Extra Strength lotion. It was on sale, just 3 bucks, like RMB 20 kuai. That was a really good deal. I can use it for 365 days. Saving is my premier job, coz Im not rich and also couldn’t buy luxury products. One of my friends who is in Australia only love Louis Vuitton( a luxury brand of leather products from France) Last time, she sent me some pictures about her Louis Vuitton collection. It was huge! Everything of hers is Louis Vuitton, even her underwears.( Does Louis Vuitton produce UNDERWEAR?) She probably bought a Nissan(a car brand from Japan.) 350z. Wow! I love that car very much, but I can’t afford it. When we were in the same senior high school, she told her friends she liked me, but she never said it to me. When I knew it, she is already living in Australia. We chat sometimes on MSN(a message software which is extensively used all over the world), but we are just common friends. Speak it like it is, I was never in love with her, coz I didn’t have that feeling. Maybe she was seeing me, but I was not. Yesterday, I mentioned about a Korean girl. She was rich as well. She has a BMW X5 and…… I think that car is enough to prove everything. How come those girls who liked me are much richer than me? Im poor and still suffer the poverty. When these 2 girls are eating delicious food, I m eating instant noodle soup. When they are driving on the road elatedly, Im walking to university. I really wanna find a poor girl to be my galfriend, coz I could also find the balance. My ex-girlfriend is living in Japan. She is ok, not that rich. Sometimes, we talk online, and she still calls me SWEETIE and regards me as her husband. I can see through she wants to get back our relationship. Ha, that is okay. But it doesn’t make any sense. She won’t come to Canada for me. She has a good job and family there. That was why I did not want her to tag along with me and stick with me. We are hopeless although our love lasted almost 4 years. I just wanna get over it! Now Im a 100% single man. I live by myself. Everyday I keep being busy. I do believe that sometimes girl is nothing but troubles. Today, I bought a new tee, the words printed on the shirt are “Canadian Girls Drinking Team”, I just felt it was interesting and bought it. Maybe some of my friends see it, they probably scream “are you gonna change your sex and join that team, man? You look weird and freak! ” Ha, who cares!

  I just tried to use very very basic and easy words here in order to make each sentence more understandable and clean out any vocabulary blocks. I just hope you enjoy it and keep reading it day by day. Today, my test was fabulous! Tomorrow there is another one. Im gonna prepare it. Cya.( See ya)


  The man who is aware of himself is henceforth independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and hrough with profound yet temperate happiness. Healone lives, while other people, slaves of ceremony, let life slip past time in a kind of dream. Once conform ,once do what other people do finer than they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul, He becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.



  The global population is living longer,and getting older,

  The global population is living longer,and getting older,which presents new challenges. “The question becomes:who will take care of everyone While people will always be the best caregivers for people,there just aren’t enough people. That’s where robot:ic technology can really make a difference,” says Professor Maja Mataric at the University of Southern California.

  Her group is developing robots to work with stroke (中风) patients and elderly people. The research team has found that people react well to a robot gym instructor,and seem to get less frustrated with it than with instructions given on a computer screen. The robot can act as a perfect trainer,with infinite(极大的) patience.

  “People say things like ‘I prefer this robot to my husband!Can I take it home’” according to Professor Mataric. “In fact there’s a really important point here. As we create these care giving technologies,we’re helping not only the people that need the care,but also the people caring for them. We can give them a break,and help them avoid burnout.”

  People are going to have to like,and importantly trust robots before they welcome them into their homes,and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.

  Much of human communication takes place through body language. Gestures, eye contact , and concepts of personal space are all things that robots are being taught. In learning about how people interact(互动) with machines,researchers are also discovering new roles for robots in our lives. Robots can communicate with humans in ways that other technologies can not.

  “If someone finds the robot to be more persuasive and more reliable,that’s going to affect how they interact with it,” says Dr Cynthia Breazeal, director of the Personal Robots Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “We can now start to think about fields where it’s the social interaction,which is the main means by which a robot helps someone.” Dr Breazeal says that means robots could be used in education,learning,and health care,where social support is important.

  9.Professor Maja Mataric mainly focused on robots’ function of ________.

  A.teaching B.exploring

  C.making things D.giving care

  10.Why can robots be wonderful trainers in the gym

  A.Because they are more clever.

  B.Because they give correct instructions.

  C.Because they cost less money.

  D.Because they are more patient.

  11.The underlined word “burnout” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

  A.feeling tired B.feeling angry

  C.getting hurt D.becoming disappointed

  12.The scientists are presently working hard to help robots .

  A.to use less electricity B.to communicate better

  C.to react more quickly D.to have more functions








  Here’s something to think about the next time you ask your teacher for help:trying hard to do schoolwork on your own can help you learn.According to a recent study,the more you try while you are learning new information,the better you can remember it later.

  This might surprise you.When teachers are presenting new information,they often give students lots of help.But a new study shows this may not be the best way to support learning.“Don’t be too quick to get help when learning something new,”education expert Ma Kapur said.“Try to work on it yourself even if it means trying different ways.’’

  Kapur came up with the idea that trying hard can lead to better learning.Then he tested it out on students in Singapore.He separated students into two groups.In the first group,students were asked to solve math problems with the teacher’s help.In the second group,students were asked to solve the same problems by helping one another,instead of getting help from the teacher.

  With the teacher’s help,students in the first group were able to find the correct answers.Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly.But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.

  The students were then tested on what they had 1earned.The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than the group who had help.Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process(过程),not just the solution.

  Kapur’s advice for kids is to put a 1ot of effort(努力)into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help.“Simply doing a little work or nothing at all won’t work.”says Kapur.“Try to solve a problem in as many ways as possible.’’

  13.What is the best title for the text

  A.Work Your Mind

  B.Practice Makes Perfect

  C.The Best Way to Learn

  D.Teachers’ Role in Schoolwork

  14.Manu Kapur holds that _______ .

  A.it’s necessary for students to ask for teachers’ help

  B.students should try to solve problems by themselves

  C.students with teachers’ help have more good ideas

  D.students in the first group are cleverer than those in the second group

  15.The author develops the text mainly by _________ .

  A. presenting research findings

  B. comparing different opinions

  C. showing scientific information

  D. setting down general rules






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